Women's March Tapestry is Finally Complete

I started a tapestry to express my feelings about the Women’s March of 2016 about a year ago. Many things caused me to delay working on the tapestry. But as soon as I moved to Atelier I committed to finishing the tapestry. The inspiration came from the 2016 Women’s March in Washington, D.C. It was actually my first large march and man did I pick a big one. I knitted a pink hat from hand dyed and spun yarn. (my friends would say, of course you did). I attended the march with my three daughters-in-law and their mothers. It was truly a momentous day for me. The mood was excited but scared for our future as women. I tried to capture the emotion of the participants in this tapestry. the bare tree and the grey skyline reflect the realism of the cold winter day and the austerity of the moment. The multi colored shapes along with the pink hats portray the great diversity of the participants.
